The American Library Association (ALA) recommends that displays address the vast array of resources and literature your institution offers to the public. There are five main areas they recommend to showcase typical library holdings to your community. Creating effective display tables will encourage library patrons to explore new options that may increase your ability to receive additional funding and support for new material acquisitions.
21st Century Literacy
Patrons may think the Internet made libraries outdated or extinct. Change their minds by creating displays of current trends in technology and global events.
Encourage young children to read the "old-fashioned" way by creating a display of recommended books for parents to read to young children. Don't forget about adults who may be new to the library and hold events for struggling adult readers.
Set up a table that focuses on research skills for older students (high school and college) with materials that show them how to integrate print media and online content for research papers. The ALA encourages libraries to host a scavenger hunt night to teach researchers how to use the library to find resources.
Stress that your library holds materials that speaks to the growing diversity of America. Create tables during history months for specific groups or to highlight festivals and holidays of other cultures.
Don't forget about the diversity of your own library. A display during the anniversary month of your establishment demonstrates the unique relationship your institution maintained throughout its history in the community. It encourages patrons to learn about local history in the process.
Promote local authors, especially the work of adult learners in your community. Provide patrons with an amateur writers' contest to encourage expression. Display the winners' contributions within the library.
Education and Continuous Learning
Show your patrons that they never stop learning. In times of economic crisis, a table dedicated to books, videos and audio material related to financial planning, combined with a seminar with a respected local financial guru or adviser could really hit home with patrons.
Near your educational materials create displays of continuing education material. This shows patrons considering going back to school, finishing their general equivalency diploma or learning a new craft that your library can help broaden their horizons.
Equity of Access
Use display tables to draw attention to lesser-known holdings of your library. Patrons may not know the local library offers large print books, English as a Second Language (ESL) materials, books written in foreign languages or even multimedia holdings such as CDs and DVDs.
Near the library entrance, advertise the resources that you feel patrons are unaware of in your community. Set the table up with a display of pamphlets, class and event schedules, and information for related services. You may also want to use this table to promote local events your patrons organize.
Intellectual Freedom
Create a table displaying banned books. This shows patrons that the library promotes free speech and expression. Feature works of inspirational people facing oppression as a result of their commitment to a cause or their beliefs.
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