When preparing for a large party or family get-together, you don't have to spend unnecessary cash. Instead of hiring an expensive catering company, utilize a few basic display techniques to showcase your homemade dishes to partygoers. Rther than purchasing expensive materials and supplies, simply cover inexpensive display tables with colorful linens. Food Service Warehouse recommends using polyester, linen or cotton linens for indoor parties. For an easy cleanup, cover your display tables with disposable linens made from plastic. Does this Spark an idea?
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Erect your folding display tables to create a buffet line. Choose white or black table linens, as these will match a variety of decors and color schemes. If you select white linens made of cotton, you can bleach out any food stains.
2Drape the linens over the tables to cover about 10 inches of the legs. Choose disposable catering trays for outdoor events. Select porcelain or mirror trays for holiday parties or formal events.
3Align your deli meats and cheeses on one of the catering trays. Place other hors d'oeuvres on an adjacent tray to offer your guests an abundance of choices. Organize dessert items on a third catering tray at the end of the display table.
4Align a few chafing dishes on the next display table of your buffet line. Fill the chafing dishes with hot dishes, soups and sauces for formal events. Utilize disposable food pans made from aluminum for outdoor barbecues or parties.
5Place a few wicker baskets on one of your display tables. Line the baskets with plastic or cloth. Fill the baskets with with bread sticks, rolls, muffins or chips.
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