
Thursday, September 12, 2013

How to Pour Resin on a Table Top

How to Pour Resin on a Table Top

An epoxy resin table top offers a versatile surface that can resist damage and allow you to customize your look. As an epoxy mixture, the two parts of the resin are liquid at first, allowing you to pour them over or mix them with colors or textures. Then, once mixed, the resin sets up hard in a short period of time, locking your design into a smooth surface ready to be used in any part of your home or business. Does this Spark an idea?


    The bubble is centered when level.
    The bubble is centered when level.

    Prepare your table top surface. Clean and dry the table. Ensure the table is as level as possible and create a form around the edge with either wood, plastic or rubber to contain the resin.


    Place any items you want encased in the resin on the table. Use small dabs of super glue to secure them in place so they don't shift when you pour the resin.


    Mix the two part epoxy right before you're ready to pour. Make sure to mix and stir the epoxy thoroughly for about five to ten minutes. Use a drill with a mixing attachment if necessary.


    Pour the epoxy on the table. Start in the center and slowly move out towards the side. Allow the epoxy to flow across the table naturally and keep the flow from your container away from the edges.


    To fill in nooks and crannies or to help the epoxy spread, you can carefully tilt the table. Only do this within the first 15 minutes after pouring because the resin needs to settle smooth before it cures too much.


    Allow the epoxy resin to cure per the instructions on the container. Most resins firm up to the touch in less than a day but may require up to a week before you can set objects on it for long periods of time.


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