Maintaining your home through every season is especially important if you live in an area with harsh winters. If you have outdoor furniture that includes cushions, storing them properly for the winter is important. Trapped moisture can cause mold and mildew, which in turn can cause extensive damage to cushions during the winter. Storing cushions carefully will allow you to use them for many years to come. Does this Spark an idea?
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Clean the cushions. Use a power washer to give them a good, deep clean. If they have stains or tough grime, use a cleanser approved for use on the material covering the cushions.
2Wrap the cushions in old blankets or sheets when dry. This will protect them from outdoor elements, while also keeping them dry so mold or mildew does not form. Don't wrap them in plastic, as that will impede air circulation and actually encourage moisture to accumulate on the cushions.
3Place the cushions in an area that has good air circulation, such as a shed or on a high shelf in a garage. Make sure the storage place is dry and cool. You want to avoid any type of moisture.
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