Unless you happen to be fortunate enough to live in an area where moderate temperatures are the norm, most patio furniture is sold seasonally in garden supply stores, membership warehouses, and big box stores in late winter or early spring. Other outlet options are online retailers and specialty stores that sell patio and outdoor furniture year-round. Many independent brick-and-mortar stores showcase higher-end patio furniture produced by a variety of manufacturers. Does this Spark an idea?
If you've done your research and have determined the style and maker of patio furniture suitable for your needs, online retailers offer an avenue for purchase. Patiostore.com, based in San Antonio, Texas, is an online retailer of patio furniture. Unlike some online retailers, Patiostore is not a spinoff of a brick-and-mortar store. Patiostore sells strictly online. The company carries recycled "green" items as well as a large inventory of traditional patio furniture made in a variety of durable outdoor materials.
3419 Northeast Parkway
San Antonio, TX 78218
Tyndall's Casual Furniture
Regionally available brick-and-mortar specialty retailers such as Tyndall's Casual Furniture, located in Delaware, are examples of independent retailers that offer casual furniture for indoor and outdoors rooms year-round. The inventory in these stores may swell during the spring and summer seasons. New items and new manufacturers are offered each season in addition to a steady inventory of items that are consistently strong performers year after year. Tyndall's offers delivery services to surrounding states. This is often the case with independent retail stores, so don't be afraid to consider them as a source for your patio furniture. These specialty retail stores tend to offer sales and service for special- or custom-order items that might not be available through an online or big box retailer.
Tyndall's Casual Furniture
16813 Coastal Hwy.
Lewes, DE 19958
Seasonal Patio Furniture Sales
At the end of each winter and into early spring, home and garden centers, big box stores, hardware stores, and membership warehouses sell limited lines of patio furniture. Home Depot, Lowe's, Sam's Club, Costco, K-Mart, Walmart, Target, and Ace Hardware offer seasonally available patio furniture. Discount retailers such as Big Lots, and department stores Sears, J.C. Penney, and Boscov's sell seasonal patio furniture as well. The amount and selection carried at these stores typically depends on store display space. The trick to purchasing your items from a seasonal retailer is to purchase at the beginning of the season when most items are available. If you plan to add to your outdoor furniture, it is best to purchase items within the same season, since many of these items are not repeated the next year.
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