Granite tables add a visually pleasing element to a room. Typically, home decorators and homeowners use granite-topped tables as accent furnishings. Granite is a heavy stone, so using it for a large table means the table will be difficult to move -- making it a wise idea to measure, to determine if the table will fit. Measuring the size of the table prior to rearranging furniture or bringing the table into the home ensures the table will fit in a particular area. Does this Spark an idea?
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Line up the end of a tape measure with the left or right edge of the table at the point that protrudes the farthest. Hold the end firmly in place and stretch the tape measure in a straight line across the tabletop to the opposite edge. Make sure the measuring tape lies flat on the surface. Read the measurement that aligns with table's edge. Note the measurement. This is table's width.
2Align the end of the tape measure with the back edge of the table. Hold the end firmly in place and pull the tape measure to the front of the table with the measuring tape lying flat on the surface. Read the measurement on the measuring tape and make note of it. This measurement is the depth of the table.
3Align the end of the tape measure with the top edge of the table and stretch it straight down to the floor. Read the measurement where the tape hits the floor. Write the measurement down. This is the height of the table.
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