Having a dining room in any part of your house is a gift. Having a dining room that is large enough to accommodate a dining room cabinet truly allows you to indulge in creative and elegant decorating. Dining room cabinets take a variety of shapes and sizes, but nearly all of them contain glass doors and shelves for easy viewing of the content inside. While there's no right or wrong way to arrange the contents inside of a dining room cabinet, there are more effective decorative strategies that will create an eye-catching display. Does this Spark an idea?
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Gather together all the items that you plan on displaying in the cabinet and lay them in front of you on a flat surface. You can display items like fine pieces of china, glass or crystal glasses, ceramic figurines or comparable items.
2Select the most impressive pieces of glass, crystal or china and place them on the shelf of the cabinet that is most immediately at eye-level. Arrange these pieces in a symmetrical configuration. For example, you could just keep the largest piece in the middle and arrange the smaller pieces around it. Or you could place all the pieces in simple rows.
3Select the remaining pieces of glass, crystal and china and arrange them on the subsequent shelves of the cabinet in a way that mimics the first shelf that you arranged. Thus, if you made simple rows on the first shelf, repeat that display scheme again with the other shelves. If you arrange everything around a larger object, repeat that again as well.
4Add a couple items to the dining room cabinet that might be somewhat out of the ordinary, but still appropriate. This will help your display become more eye-catching. For example, a framed picture of your family members is suitable or an old toy from childhood, such as a baseball or vintage doll, would also make the display attention-grabbing.
5Add festive items dependent upon the time of year. For example, if it is around Christmas, add a few sprigs of holly to the shelves. Around Valentine's Day, place a few vintage Valentine's day cards to add a splash of color to the display.
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