Retailers and manufacturers spend a great deal of money to have someone set up table displays for trade shows. If you are a small business, you can use the same ideas, maximize your visual impact and save money by doing it yourself. A quick glance should give an attendee a firm idea of what your product is or does. A second look should reveal how it works and the story behind it.
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Measure the table space you will have so you will be able to maximize the space. Decide where you will stand so that you will not be obstructing the view of your table display nor your view of passers-by. If you plan on standing behind the display, you will have to make sure it is short enough for you to see over it. If you will be at the front or beside the table, you can have a display up to four feet high.
2Decide on a short key message and graphic you want to come across on your display.
3Plan how you will display your product so that it will be eye-catching. If the product is small, consider stacking to form a pyramid with extras on the front to show more easily. You can have multiple stacks as long as the stacks are evenly spaced. An odd number of stacks is more appealing visually.
Setting Up
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Purchase a folding three-panel screen that fits together on hinges to open as back and side walls. A panel display screen can double or triple the amount of space you have and will be more prominent because it is vertical space.
5Add banners with your company name, product name and key message to your panels. Don't let the display products obstruct the view, and don't clutter the panels with more information. Dark lettering on a white or light-colored board is the most eye-catching.
6Stack or present your products the way you planned. Put out your business cards, press releases, brochures, samples or a giveaway sign-up as you planned.
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